”Nicolae Testemitanu” University graduating class of 2022 has taken the doctor and pharmacist oath
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In the history of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova, the Graduating Class of 2022 will remain a special one, because young people studied for two years in pandemic conditions. In parallel with their studies, medical students have worked in healthcare institutions, side by side with medical workers, volunteered, participated in anti-COVID-19 vaccination marathons, contributed to saving people's lives, for which they deserve all out gratitude and appreciation. The statement belongs to the rector of the University, Professor Emil Ceban, and was made during the Ceremony of taking the Doctor and Pharmacist Oath, which took place on June 16, on the arena of Zimbru stadium of the capital.
”As of today, you become members of the medical community in the Republic of Moldova and in your countries of origin. We urge you to have confidence in your abilities and never forget that you are part of the great family of Nicolae Testemitanu University – an institution with beautiful traditions and values named after the eminent scientist, brilliant professor and great patriot Nicolae Testemitanu”, Professor Ceban pointed out. The rector assured the recent graduates that the doors of Alma Mater will always remain open inviting them to continue their studies at residency or master's degree programs because the professions, on which people's lives and health depend, require a continuous professional education.
The reunion was honored by the presence of the President of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu, who declared that taking the Oath of Doctor and Pharmacist is a sacred and sincere commitment to save human lives. "Take it as a promise you make to yourself, as a commitment in principle that you will keep throughout your life. Years in which you will give your time, talent, energy and health in order to serve your people. I urge you to spend them at home, in the Republic of Moldova. We need you! We want to offer young doctors and pharmacists many opportunities for personal and professional development in our country", assured the president of the country.
Health Minister Ala Nemerenco congratulated the graduates on completing the most beautiful stage of their lives, noting that they embraced the noblest of professions, as it is the only one in which the word sacrifice is basic. "People in distress are waiting for you and, in addition to knowledge and professionalism, you need a lot of compassion, patience and love for people - the satellites with which you have to start your medical practice. We will make every effort to provide, at the end of your residency studies, hospitals endowed with modern equipment, medicines and to offer you hope for the future. Your generation will change this country," stressed the health official.
"You had the chance to study at Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova - the most prestigious higher education institution, with medical disciplines correlated with the most demanding European standards, with a training process adapted to the highest international standards and practices. I am sure that your integration into the health system has already taken place during the pandemic, when, in life-threatening conditions, you came to the aid of your mentors, people and the country. From now on, your life will be in the service of humanity. I challenge you to build in the Republic of Moldova and in the countries where you come from a modern and high-performance system, with a focus on the patient. I urge you to become ambassadors of the University.
Dean of Faculty of Medicine No. 1, the associate professor Gheorghe Placinta, expressed his appreciation to the young graduates for deciding to be students at Nicolae Testemitanu University, for choosing the study programs with great prospects and very much needed by the society. "The well-being of this people depends on your training and professional skills. Today, you are confidently stepping onto a path that you have thoroughly prepared for in your six years of studies. There will be a long professional journey, in which we will meet with many of you ", said the dean, assuring that professors will always be waiting for them at the University -" the oasis of enlightenment " - to give them all the necessary support.
According to the dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, associate professor Nicolae Ciobanu, the long-awaited dream of the graduates has come true today: “Even if the period you went through often put you to various tests, you are the winners! I am sure that it is you, the younger generation, who will provide qualified pharmaceutical assistance and advanced pharmaceutical services to the people of our country. Your success would not have been possible if it weren't for those who helped you embrace one of the noblest professions - your teachers." Finally, the dean addressed cordial congratulations, wishes for good health, accomplishments and achieving the expected outcomes on the occasion of the Day of the Medical Worker and the Pharmacist.
In the opinion of the dean of Faculty of Medicine No. 2, Mircea Bețiu, associate professor, the success of Graduating Class of 2022 will remain in the history of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy: "Despite various challenges, including those caused by the pandemic, you have succeeded! You are a winner for you, your families and your communities! Now you can take the next step in your professional and social becoming - you are a doctor. Keep pushing your limits and taking on new challenges.” The dean urged them to develop the network of international graduates of Nicolae Testemitanu University and to keep the Republic of Moldova in mind.
For his part, the dean of the Faculty of Stomatology, Oleg Solomon, associate professor, emphasized that this day is the beginning of a new and still unknown stage for graduates: “I urge you to take with you the most important things you have learned over the years and be convinced that what you have achieved so far means a lot for the development of your future career”. The dean thanked the parents for their support and trust in children, wishing them to continue to enjoy their success and assuring them that their efforts will be rewarded in time.
On behalf of the Graduating Class of 2022, Sergiu Beliniuc, a graduate of the Faculty of Stomatology, according to tradition, passed on the torch of knowledge to first-year students. ”We lived beautiful and extraordinary years – a unique experience as medical students which prepared us to practice some of the noblest professions – that of doctor and pharmacist. We wish good health and perseverance, patience and courage to the future generations. We want you to know that your work will be rewarded in the end with the highest distinctions, and less successful experiences will motivate you to become even stronger. We are proud to be part of this academic community. We will keep in our soul and mind all that has been most beautiful in these years, following the motto of the University – Lucendo Allis Ego Ipse Ardeo!”
In their turn, the first year students, motivated by the example of their colleagues – today graduates, firmly promised to demonstrate perseverance, responsibility and competence in everything they do, in order to become true followers of Professor Nicolae Testemitanu.
The Graduating Class of 2022 is represented by 1068 specialists, of which: 618 local students and 450 international students – citizens from 20 countries of the world. For the health system, professionals were trained in the following areas: Medicine - 783, Stomatology - 172, Pharmacy - 65, Preventive Medicine - 20 specialists. This year, the University launched the first class of nurses with higher education - 11 people, as well as the second class of specialists with a degree in Optometry - 17 graduates.
Photos: https://www.facebook.com/usmf.md/photos/pcb.5385395878179455/5385381981514178/
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