Research and innovation activity. Priority research fields at Pediatrics Department
- Perinatology
- Pneumology (bronchopulmonary displasia, pneumonias)
- Cardiology (methabolic syndrome, hypertension in children)
- Rheumatology (national registry of rheumatic diseases)
- Haematology (haemophilia)
- Gastrology (acute pancreatitis, chronic hepatitis)
- Neurology (pediatric STROKE, epylepsia in children)
- Alergology (atopic children)
- Nephrology (glomerulonephritis, nephrotic syndrome)
- Social pediatrics
General topic of research: The impact of associated diseases upon child growth and development. Study period: 2017-2021.
Aim of the study, Ist stage (2017): Evaluation of clinical, physiological and genetic status changes of vitamin D deficit and methods of correction in children in the pre- and postnatal period.
Evaluation of the impact of vitamin D deficit upon clinical, physiological and genetic status in children and adolescents.
Study the manifestations of vitamin D deficit according to the ontogenetic developmental period of the child (prenatal, early and late postnatal), the season and geographycal zones (Moldova, France, Algeria, Martinica,Ingushetya).
Elaboration of the diagnostic algorithm of hypocalcemia for the optimisation of the early disgnosis.
Elaboration of a management guide upon the vitamin D deficit aiming for efficient treatment and specific prophylaxis.
State Research Projects
1. 16.00418.80.11A/27.05.2016. Evaluarea incidenței, prevalenței, factorilor de risc, cercetarea aspectelor clinice, neuroimagistice, neurofiziologice și de remediere neurotrofică a accidentelor vasculare cerebrale la copii.
Project Director: Revenco Ninel dr. hab. șt. med., prof. univ., Chief of Pediatrics Department, SUMPh „Nicolae Testemițanu”.
Coordinator: Stanislav Groppa dr. hab. șt. med., prof. univ., acad.
Period: 2017- 2018
Primary aim: Study the features of pediatric STROKE.
1. Causes of STROKE in newborns (preliminary data);
2. Risk factors of developing pediatric STROKE.
Research Group: Revenco Ninel dr. hab. șt. med., prof. univ.; Sprincean Mariana dr. șt. med., conf. univ.; Hadjiu Svetlana dr. hab. șt. med., prof. univ.; Lupușor Nadejda PhD Student
PhD Graduates from Pediatrics Department 2013-2018