Concurs de eseuri ”Acoperă deficitul în combaterea HIV/SIDA”
- vizualizări: 115
Anual, în data de 1 decembrie, în toată lumea este marcată Ziua mondială de combatere HIV/SIDA. În acest context, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie ”Nicolae Testemițanu” organizează un concurs de eseuri tematice pentru studenți și rezidenți. Mediciniștii sunt invitați să expună și să argumenteze viziunea proprie privind deficitul în prevenirea și combaterea HIV/SIDA printr-un eseu (2500-5000 de caractere), pe una dintre temele:
- ”Acoperă deficitul de informare HIV”
- ”Acoperă deficitul - zero discriminare”
- ”Acoperă deficitul de tratament HIV”
Acoperirea deficitului înseamnă combaterea epidemiei SIDA până în 2030, prin asigurarea accesului la informare, tratament și servicii. La nivel mondial sunt circa 35 de milioane de persoane infectate cu HIV, dintre acestea, pe parcursul anului trecut, doar 37% au primit tratamentul necesar.
Prin intermediul eseului, participanții au ocazia să-și pună în valoare creativitatea și imaginația, contribuind astfel la sensibilizarea societății privind virusul HIV. Trei cele mai bune lucrări vor fi premiate.
- concursul se adresează tuturor studenților și rezidenților USMF ”Nicolae Testemițanu”;
- se acceptă lucrările originale, care nu au mai participat la alte competiții, concursuri, conferințe;
- fiecare participant va putea concura cu un singur eseu;
- lucrarea trebuie să conțină minim 2500 și maxim 5000 de caractere;
- eseurile pot fi scrise în limba română, engleză sau rusă.
Criterii de evaluare:
- calitatea argumentelor și gradul de originalitate;
- expunerea logică și claritatea exprimării.
Termen limită:
Eseul trebuie expediat pe, cu mențiunea ”Concurs de eseuri”, până în data de 30 noiembrie, ora 18:00.
Anunțarea finaliștilor va avea loc la 1 decembrie 2014 - Ziua mondială de combatere HIV/SIDA.
Acoperă deficitul în combaterea HIV/SIDA
World AIDS Day is held on 1st of December each year. In this respect, Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy organizes an essay contest. The medical students and residents are invited to tell and argue their own opinion regarding the deficiency of HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment services, by writing an essay (2500-5000 characters) on one of the following topics:
“Close the education gap”;
”Close the gap - no more stigma”;
”Close the HIV treatment gap”.
Closing the gap means that ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030 is possible by providing access to information, treatment and care services, and by letting no one behind (no discrimination/stigma). More than 35 million of people in the world are infected with HIV, and only 37 % of them have received the necessary treatment last year.
By writing an essay, the participants have a great opportunity to show their creativity and imagination, increasing the awareness of society concerning the HIV.
The best three essays will be awarded.
The contest is addressed to all students and residents of Nicolae Testimitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy;
All the original works are accepted that have not participated in other contests, competitions or conferences;
Each participant is allowed to submit a single essay;
The essay should contain at least 2500 characters and not more than 5000 characters;
Essays can be written in Romanian, English or Russian.
Assessment criteria:
Quality of arguments and originality of the essay;
Cohesion and coherence of the essay.
Essay should be sent to following email address:, with subject ”Essay Contest”, till November 30, 2014 at 6 p.m.
Contest winners will be announced on 1st of December, 2014 - World AIDS Day.
World AIDS Day is held on 1st of December each year. In this respect, Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy organizes an essay contest. The medical students and residents are invited to tell and argue their own opinion regarding the deficiency of HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment services, by writing an essay (2500-5000 characters) on one of the following topics:
“Close the education gap”;
”Close the gap - no more stigma”;
”Close the HIV treatment gap”.
Closing the gap means that ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030 is possible by providing access to information, treatment and care services, and by letting no one behind (no discrimination/stigma). More than 35 million of people in the world are infected with HIV, and only 37 % of them have received the necessary treatment last year.
By writing an essay, the participants have a great opportunity to show their creativity and imagination, increasing the awareness of society concerning the HIV.
The best three essays will be awarded.
The contest is addressed to all students and residents of Nicolae Testimitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy;
All the original works are accepted that have not participated in other contests, competitions or conferences;
Each participant is allowed to submit a single essay;
The essay should contain at least 2500 characters and not more than 5000 characters;
Essays can be written in Romanian, English or Russian.
Assessment criteria:
Quality of arguments and originality of the essay;
Cohesion and coherence of the essay.
Essay should be sent to following email address:, with subject ”Essay Contest”, till November 30, 2014 at 6 p.m.
Contest winners will be announced on 1st of December, 2014 - World AIDS Day.
World AIDS Day is held on 1st of December each year. In this respect, Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy organizes an essay contest. The medical students and residents are invited to tell and argue their own opinion regarding the deficiency of HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment services, by writing an essay (2500-5000 characters) on one of the following topics:
“Close the education gap”;
”Close the gap - no more stigma”;
”Close the HIV treatment gap”.
Closing the gap means that ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030 is possible by providing access to information, treatment and care services, and by letting no one behind (no discrimination/stigma). More than 35 million of people in the world are infected with HIV, and only 37 % of them have received the necessary treatment last year.
By writing an essay, the participants have a great opportunity to show their creativity and imagination, increasing the awareness of society concerning the HIV.
The best three essays will be awarded.
The contest is addressed to all students and residents of Nicolae Testimitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy;
All the original works are accepted that have not participated in other contests, competitions or conferences;
Each participant is allowed to submit a single essay;
The essay should contain at least 2500 characters and not more than 5000 characters;
Essays can be written in Romanian, English or Russian.
Assessment criteria:
Quality of arguments and originality of the essay;
Cohesion and coherence of the essay.
Essay should be sent to following email address:, with subject ”Essay Contest”, till November 30, 2014 at 6 p.m.
Contest winners will be announced on 1st of December, 2014 - World AIDS Day.
Preluarea informației de pe site-ul USMF „Nicolae Testemițanu” poate fi efectuată doar cu indicarea obligatorie a sursei și a linkului direct accesat pe